All coffee is meticulously roasted by SEY COFFEE
Orders are roasted on Tuesday and shipped on Wednesday.

Las Pulgas, Colombia
Beautiful, soft, chocolate mouthfeel rounded out with red fruit and subtle acidity.

Benti Nenka, Ethiopia
Bergamot acidity, ripe peach, star fruit and melon with a long vanilla finish.

Floripondio, Bolivia
Elegant and sweet with a nice tea like florality and some fruit notes of plum and papaya.

La Rona
Roasters Choice

Includes Black Label, Formula 2000 and Manifest Destiny.

New Hat

Used Hat

Agent Orange Hat

Patriot T-Shirt

Closet Patriot T-Shirt

For a gift that keeps on giving until it runs out; or an alternative to your office coffee program.


Also available for hire
Northeast corner of 23rd St and 5th Ave, New York
Mon-Fri:7:30 AM to 4:00 PM

Major Tom's Grind Control
Collaboration with artist Tom Sachs

The Madison
Northeast corner of Lafayette and Houston Streets, New York

Collaboration with designer Makayla Wray
E4th & Bowery, New York
Mon-Fri:6:30 PM to 10:00 PM

Nassua & Pine, New York
Mon-Fri:7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Southwest corner of Lafayette & Houston St
Northwest corner of 23rd & 5th Ave
Mon-Fri: 7:30am - 6:00pm